Projects Paralysis: How Many Projects is too many Projects

Projects Paralysis: How Many Projects is too many Projects


I often find my self overwhelmed not just with the current scope of the project on my work space but with the overall amount of projects I have going on at once. This feeling of being overwhelmed can causes me to not do any work at all. As some one who makes videos on top of hobby-ing the amount of projects that I have can get out of control really quickly. Many of you may remember the 3D printed Dalek Necrons that are still unfinished.

Partly because of being overwhelmed by the project and partly because of getting distracted by new and shiny projects. The feeling of making progress on one project can often be overshadowed by the feeling of not working on another. Worse yet if I feel overwhelmed by the project on my work bench and I feel bad about starting a new project then I will fall pray to project paralysis and not get anything done at all.

Does this mean the correct number of projects to be working on is always one? That you should finish what you start. Honestly I don't think so. Having a lot of different projects at once for me is vital to making progress at all. Being able to change projects and more importantly change project types helps to keep forward momentum. When I don't feel like working on a specific project, such as painting 100 marine guns tips silver having other projects give me an outlet to be productive.

There is defiantly a point where you can have too many projects and that point should be based on how well organized you can keep them and how you feel when you think about your projects. If you don't have literal space to keep and work on them then you have too many. If you absolutely feel overwhelmed every time you look at your hobby table or storage area then you have too many. But, if you keep yourself reasonably organized and fairly motivated having a lot different projects to work on will help you in the end get more done. When you look back, sure, you see projects that are not done, but you will also see an amazing amount of wonderful projects that are.

If you find your self really struggling to get down to work, just sitting at a screen feeling bad not painting here are some recommendations.

1: Turn on podcast, I recommend A hot dog is not a Sand-witch by Mythical kitchen and start organizing your paints.

2: Start a new project that is at a completely different stage then where you are now.

3: Don't feel so bad we do this for fun.

Projects around the web: One of the biggest parts of my inspiration comes from seeing all the amazing projects shared on social media. This week I have found three projects that really speak to me. If you would like to submit a project please do. You can upload it to the the Cool Guys Nation Facebook page or to Warhammer 40k Cool Guys nation group Link in the description bellow. Also please note that many of the groups that i belong to require permission to join, so please be respectful of people and there projects.

Our first Project this week is from Emma. I found it on the Warhammer 40k Terrain and More Facebook group.

She made these amazing stain-glass windows using clear plastic sheet, sharpies and hard coat.


Our second project this week is from Bret Keefer and we are featruing his Prop Shop called Brets Prop Shop find it here.


Our third and final project this week comes from Franz D’Orlando. He has made indivudial traval and display diormasa for all of his Warhammer Underworlds War Bands. This is one of my faveorit projects. Check it out on the ‘Evier Metal Facebook Group.


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